Category Archives: Hiçbirşey - Page 19


\"\"Van Müzesi\’nde 3 bin 200 yıllık orijinal Urartu eseri diye sergilenen heykel, aslında 4 yıl önce yapılmış çakma heykel çıktı!

Niye biliyor musunuz?

Hazır, günlerdir içimiz dışımız siyaset olmuşken… Hadi gelin, sınav yapalım.

Aşağıdaki isimlerden hangisi, CHP\’nin parti meclisi üyesi değildir?
a) Süleyman Gür
b) Birol Mutlu
c) Metin Can
d) Emrah Aktaş
e) Erman Aydın

Aşağıdaki isimlerden hangisi, AKP merkez yürütme kurulu üyesi değildir?
a) Adem Çengel
b) Erkan Taşdemir
c) Hasan Ersin
d) Murat Özbay
e) Tarık Candemir

Aşağıdaki isimlerden hangisi, MHP\’nin başkanlık divanı üyesi değildir?
a) Engin Abat
b) Fatma Boydağ
c) İskender Hikmet
d) Mustafa Fidan
e) Ceren Ceylan

Gelelim cevaplara…

İlk sorunun cevap şıklarında yer alan isimler, bu ay teröre kurban verdiğimiz 17 evladımızın 5\’i…
İkinci sorunun cevap şıklarında yer alan isimler, Zonguldak Karadon\’da şehit olan 30 madencimizin 5\’i…
Son sorunun cevap şıklarında yer alan isimler, Isparta\’da düşen uçakta pisi pisine kaybettiğimiz bilim insanlarımızın 4\’ü…
Ceren Ceylan ise, aynı uçakta kaybettiğimiz ve ağlamaktan gözlerinizin şiştiği ama, çarçabuk unuttuğunuz, 1.5 aylık bebek.

Herkes \”demokrasi sınavı\”ndan bahsediyor ama, kim kimdir, necidir, niye ordadır, kimi kim oraya koymuştur, eskiden de orda mıydı, nerdeydi, kimsenin umurunda bile değil.

Heykel\’lere oy veriyoruz aslında.

Altlarında yazıyor nasıl olsa…
Solcu heykel.
Dinci heykel.
Milliyetçi heykel.

Orijinal midir, çakma mıdır?
Keriz yerine konmamak için…
Zahmet edip incelemek lazımdır.


\"\"Öğrenci, Türkçe dersinde \”parti\” kelimesini harf harf kodluyormuş: \”Paris\’in P\’si, Ankara\’nın A\’sı, Dede\’nin R\’si, Trabzon\’un T\’si, İzmir\’in İ\’si…\” Öğretmen müdahale etmiş: \”Evladım, Dede\’de R yok ki\” demiş… \”Nasıl yok?\” demiş öğrenci, \”Benim dedemin adı Recep!\”

AKP\’ye AKP denmesini yasaklayan AKP, şimdi de, isimlerinden biri Recep olan Başbakan\’a \”Recep Bey\” denmesine kızıyor iyi mi…

Çorabına \”Milli Eğitim Bakanı Hüseyin Çelik\” kartviziti yazdıran Hüseyin Çelik, \”Recep Bey\” denmesini \”yakışıksız\” bulmuş mesela…
\”Gandi oldu Dandi\” diyen Bülent Arınç ise, Recep Bey ifadesinin \”küçültücü\” olduğunu söylüyor.

Halbuki, Çankaya meselesi tartışılırken, aynen şöyle demişti Başbakan: \”Abdullah Bey\’le Bülent Bey\’le istişare ederim.\”

\”Sen Türkiye\’sin büyük düşün\” afişleri asıp… Sonra da, \”sen\” diye hitap edene, \”Sen bana sen diyemezsin\” demeleri gibi bi şey yani.

CHP\’ye yıllardır \”elit\” diyen yandaş medya ise, topluca Lordlar Kamarası\’na geçti… Kalemlerinden asalet damlıyor, \”CHP avamlaştı\” diyorlar!

Osman Hamdi Bey, Hacı Arif Bey, Çakabey, Kiziroğlu Mustafa Bey, Tamburi Cemil Bey hakaret midir? Beyoğlu\’na Sayınoğlu mu diyeceğiz bu saatten sonra?
Emel Sayın\’da sorun yok da…
Beylerbeyi Sarayı\’na ne diyeceğiz?

(Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı yapan Hüseyin Çelik\’in kalbini kırmak istemem ama, Sakarya\’da \”Recep Bey Endüstri Meslek Lisesi\” var… Yakışıksız mıdır?)

İşin daha enteresan tarafı…

\”Hukuktan anlamıyor\” diyor.
\”Ekonomi bilmiyor\” diyor.
\”Rüşveti bitireceğiz\” diyor.
\”Soydular memleketi\” diyor.
\”Hesap soracağız\” diyor.
\”Bunların dokunulmazlığını kaldıracağız, siyasi ahlak yasası çıkaracağız, parlamentoda vurguncunun talancının yeri yok, naylon faturacıdan, Ali Dibo\’dan bakan olmayacak\” diyor.

\”Kalpazan\” diyor.

Çıt yok.

Vay efendim \”bey\” dedi…
İşte orası gücüne gidiyor.

Net Worth of U.S. Presidents


Having examined the finances of all 43 presidents (yes, 43; remember, Cleveland was president twice), we calculated the net worth figures for each in 2010 dollars. Because a number of presidents, particularly in the early 19th Century, made and lost huge fortunes in a matter of a few years, the number for each man is based on his net worth at its peak.

We have taken into account hard assets like land, estimated lifetime savings based on work history, inheritance, homes, and money paid for services, which include things as diverse as their salary as Collector of Customs at the Port of New York to membership on Fortune 500 boards. Royalties on books have also been taken into account, along with ownership of companies and yields from family estates.

The net worth of the presidents varies widely. George Washington was worth more than half a billion in today\’s dollars. Several presidents went bankrupt.

The fortunes of American presidents are tied to the economy in the eras in which they lived. For the first 75 years after Washington\’s election, presidents generally made money on land, crops, and commodity speculation. A president who owned hundreds or thousands of acres could lose most or all of his property after a few years of poor crop yields. Wealthy Americans occasionally lost all of their money through land speculation–leveraging the value of one piece of land to buy additional property. Since there was no reliable national banking system and almost no liquidity in the value of private companies, land was the asset likely to provide the greatest yield, if the property yielded enough to support the costs of operating the farm or plantation.

Because there was no central banking system and no commodities regulatory framework, markets were subject to panics. The panic of 1819 was caused by the deep indebtedness of the federal government and a rapid drop in the price of cotton. The immature banking system was forced to foreclose on many farms. The value of the properties foreclosed upon was often low, because land without a landowner meant land without a crop yield. The panic of 1837 caused a depression that lasted six years. It was triggered by a weak wheat crop, a drop in cotton prices, and a leverage bubble in the value of land created by speculation. These factors caused the U.S. economy to go through a multi-year period of deflation.

The sharp fluctuations in the fortunes of the first 14 presidents were a result of the economic times.

Beginning with Millard Fillmore in 1850, the financial history of the presidency entered a new era. Most presidents were lawyers who spent years in public service. They rarely amassed large fortunes and their incomes were often almost entirely from their salaries. From Fillmore to Garfield, these American presidents were distinctly middle class. These men often retired without the money to support themselves in a fashion anywhere close to the one that they had as president. Buchanan, Lincoln, Johnson, Grant, Hayes, and Garfield had almost no net worth at all.

The rise of inherited wealth in the early 20th Century contributed to the fortunes of many presidents, including Theodore Roosevelt, Franklin D. Roosevelt, John F. Kennedy, and both of the Bushes. The other significant change to the economy was the advent of large professionally organized corporations. These corporations produced much of the oil, mining, financial, and railroad fortunes amassed at the end of the 19th Century and the beginning of the 20th. The Kennedys were wealthy because of the financial empire built by Joseph Kennedy. Herbert Hoover made millions of dollars as the owner of mining companies.

The stigma of making money from being a retired president also began to disappear. Calvin Coolidge made a large income from his newspaper column. Gerald Ford, who had almost no money when he was a Congressman made a small fortune from serving on the boards of large companies. Clinton made millions of dollars from writing his autobiography.

We analyzed presidential finances based on historical sources. Most media evaluations of the net worth of presidents have come up with a very wide range, a spread in which the highest figure was often several times the lowest estimate. Most sources provided no hard figures at all. Most of these efforts have focused largely on the analysis of recent chief executives. That is because it is much easier to calculate figures in a world where assets and incomes are a matter of public record.

One of the most important conclusions of this analysis is that the presidency has little to do with wealth. Several brought huge net worths to the job. Many lost most of their fortunes after leaving office. Some never had any money at all.

President and Term Estimated Net Worth
\"\" 1st George Washington (1789-1797) $525 million His Virginia plantation, \”Mount Vernon,\” consisted of five separate farms on 8,000 acres of prime farmland, run by over 300 slaves. His wife, Martha Washington, inherited significant property from her father. Washington made significantly more than subsequent presidents: his salary was two percent of the total U.S. budget in 1789.
\"\" 2nd John Adams (1797-1801) $19 million Adams received a modest inheritance from his father. His wife, Abigail Adams, was a member of the Quincys, a prestigious Massachusetts family. Adams owned a handsome estate in Quincy, Massachusetts, known as \”Peacefield,\” a working farm, covering approximately 40 acres. He also had a thriving law practice.
\"\" 3rd Thomas Jefferson (1801-1809) $212 million Jefferson was left 3,000 acres and several dozen slaves by his father. \”Monticello,\” his home on a 5,000 acre plantation in Virginia, was one of the architectural wonders of its time. He made significant money in various political positions before becoming president, but was mired in debt towards the end of his life.
\"\" 4th James Madison (1809-1817) $101 million Madison was the largest landowner in Orange County, Virginia, with land holding consisting of 5,000 acres and the \”Montpelier\” estate. He made significant money as secretary of state and president. Madison lost money at the end of his life due to the steady financial collapse of his plantation.
\"\" 5th James Monroe (1817-1825) $27 million Monroe\’s wife, Elizabeth, was the daughter of wealthy British officer. He made significant money during eight years as president, but entered retirement severely in debt and was forced to sell Highland plantation, which included 3500 acres.
\"\" 6th John Quincy Adams (1825-1829) $21 million Adams inherited most of his father\’s land. His wife was the daughter of a wealthy merchant. He devoted most of his adult life to public service, notably after leaving office.
\"\" 7th Andrew Jackson (1829-1837) $119 million While he was considered to be in touch with the average middle class American, Jackson quietly became one of the wealthiest presidents of the 1800\’s. \”Old Hickory\” married into wealth and made money in the military. His homestead \”The Hermitage\” included 1,050 acres of prime real estate. Over the course of his life, he owned as many as 300 slaves. Jackson entered significant debt later in life.
\"\" 8th Martin Van Buren (1837-1841) $26 million Van Buren made substantial income as an attorney. He was one of only two men to serve as secretary of state, vice president, and president. He owned the 225-acre \”Lindenwald\” estate in upstate New York.
\"\" 9th William Henry Harrison (1841) $5 million Harrison married into money – wife\’s father was prominent judge and landowner. When Harrison\’s mother died, he inherited 3,000 acres near Charles City, Virginia, which he later sold to his brother. He also owned \”Grouseland\” mansion and property, in Vincennes, Indiana. Despite his assets, Harrison died penniless, causing Congress to create a special pension for his widow.
\"\" 10th John Tyler (1841-1845) $51 million Tyler Inherited 1,000-acre tobacco plantation. His first wife, Letitia, was wealthy. Tyler bought \”Sherwood Manor,\” a 1,600 acre estate, previously owned by William Henry Harrison. He became indebted during the Civil War and died poor.
\"\" 11th James Knox Polk (1845-1849) $10 million Like his wife, Sarah Childress, Polk\’s father was a wealthy plantation owner and speculator. Polk made significant sums as speaker of the house and governor of Tennessee, and owned 920 acres in Coffeeville, Mississippi, as well as 25 slaves.
\"\" 12th Zachary Taylor (1849-1850) $6 million Taylor inherited significant amounts of land from his family, which at one point included property in Mississippi, Kentucky, and Louisiana. He made substantial money in land speculation, the leasing of warehouses, and investments in bank and utility stocks. Taylor owned a sizeable plantation in Mississippi and a home in Baton Rouge.
\"\" 13th Millard Fillmore (1850-1853) $4 million Neither Fillmore nor his wife had significant inheritance. He founded a college that is the current State University of New York at Buffalo, and his primary holding was a house in nearby East Aurora, NY.
\"\" 14th Franklin Pierce (1853-1857) $2 million Pierce\’s father was frontier farmer, and his wife was well-to-do aristocrat. He served as attorney for 16 years and held property in concord, NH.
\"\" 15th James Buchanan (1857-1861) less than $1 million Born in log cabin in Pennsylvania, Buchanan was one of 11 children. He was the only president never to marry. He worked for nine years as attorney, and spent 16 years in public office, including four years as secretary of state.
\"\" 16th Abraham Lincoln (1861-1865) less than $1 million To the log cabin born. Lincoln served as an attorney for 17 years before his presidency. He owned a single-family home in Springfield, Illinois.
\"\" 17th Andrew Johnson (1865-1869) less than $1 million Johnson\’s father was a tailor, and his wife was a shoemaker. He served the public for 20 years, including as Governor of Tennessee and U.S. Senator. Johnson owned a small house in Greenville, TN.
\"\" 18th Ulysses Simpson Grant (1869-1877) less than $1 million Grant\’s father was a tanner, and his wife was the daughter of a wealthy merchant. He lost his entire fortune when swindled by his investing partner. Grant owned a modest home in Galena, Illinois. Although he died with little money, his autobiography kept family afloat.
\"\" 19th Rutherford Birchard Hayes, (1877-1881) $3 million Hayes\’ father was a shopkeeper. He was an attorney for 15 years and owned \”Spiegel Grove,\” a 10,000 square foot home that sat on 25 acres in Fremont, Ohio. Hayes also served as Governor of Ohio and was a member of the House.
\"\" 20th James Abram Garfield (1881) less than $1 million Garfield was born in a log cabin in Ohio. He spent 18 years in the House of Representatives. Garfield owned \”Lawnfield,\” a home and small property in Mentor, Ohio. He died penniless.
\"\" 21st Chester Alan Arthur (1881-1885) less than $1 million The son of an Irish preacher, Arthur\’s wife came a from military family. He made substantial sums as Collector for the Port of New York. His townhouse in New York was well-appointed with furniture commission from Tiffany.
\"\" 22nd and 24th Grover Cleveland (1885-1889, 1893-1897) $25 million Cleveland\’s father was a bookseller and preacher, and his wife was the daughter of wealthy lawyer. Cleveland served as an attorney for twelve years, and also made significant sums on sale of his estate outside of Washington, D.C. He bought \”Westland Mansion\” near Princeton, New Jersey.
\"\" 23rd Benjamin Harrison (1889-1893) $5 million Harrison had no significant inheritance of his own or from his wife\’s family. He was a highly paid attorney for 18 years, and served as attorney for Republic of Venezuela. Harrison owned large Victorian home in Indianapolis, Indiana.
\"\" 25th William McKinley (1897-1901) $1 million Mckinley had no significant inheritance. Served 30 years in public office, including local prosecutor and member of the House of Representatives. Went bankrupt during depression of 1893 while he was Governor of Ohio.
\"\" 26th Theodore Roosevelt (1901-1909) $125 million Born to a prominent and wealthy family, Roosevelt received a significant trust fund. He lost most of his money on a ranching venture in the Dakotas and had to work as an author to pay bills. Roosevelt spent most of his adult years in public service. His 235-acre estate, \”Sagamore Hill,\” sits on some of the most valuable real estate on Long Island.
\"\" 27th William Howard Taft (1909-1913) $3 million Taft\’s wife\’s father was a law partner of former president, Rutherford B. Hayes. Taft was president of the American Bar Association, an active attorney for nearly two decades, and only president to serve on the U.S. Supreme Court.
\"\" 28th Woodrow Wilson (1913-1921) less than $1 million Wilson received modest compensation as head of Princeton and Governor of New Jersey. He never served in any position that provided him with a reasonable income. Wilson had a stroke in office and died five years later.
\"\" 29th Warren Gamaliel Harding (1921-1923) $1 million Harding obtained wealth through marriage to his wife Mabel, daughter of a prominent banker. He owned the Marion Daily Star and a small home in Marion, Ohio. Most of Harding\’s net worth came from his newspaper ownership.
\"\" 30th Calvin Coolidge (1923-1929) less than $1 million Coolidge\’s father was prosperous farmer and storekeeper. \”Silent Cal\” Spent five years as an attorney, and almost two decades in public office, which included time as Governor of Massachusetts. His net worth derived primarily from his home, \”The Beeches,\” in Northampton, Massachusetts, the advance from his autobiography, and the money he made from his newspaper column.
\"\" 31st Herbert Clark Hoover (1929-1933) $75 million An orphan, Hoover was raised by his uncle, a doctor. He made a fortune as a mining company executive, had a very large salary for 17 years and had extensive holdings in mining companies. Hoover donated his presidential salary to charity. He also owned \”Hoover House\” in Monterey, California.
\"\" 32nd Franklin Delano Roosevelt (1933-1945) $60 million Roosevelt had wealth through inheritance and marriage. He owned the 800-acre \”Springwood\” estate as well as properties in Georgia, Maine, and New York. In 1919, his mother had to bail him out of financial difficulty. He spent most of his adult life in public service. Before he was president, Roosevelt was appointed assistant secretary of the navy by Wilson.
\"\" 33rd Harry S. Truman (1945-1953) less than $1 million Truman was a haberdasher in Missouri and nearly went bankrupt. He served 18 years in Washington, D.C. Despite his modest income, he was able to save some of his presidential salary.
\"\" 34th Dwight David Eisenhower (1953-1961) $ 8 million Eisenhower had no inherited wealth. He served the majority of his career in the military and five years as president of Columbia. Ike owned a large farm near Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.
\"\" 35th John Fitzgerald Kennedy (1961-1963) Although he never inherited his father\’s fortune, the Kennedy family estate was worth nearly $1 billion dollars. Born into great wealth, Kennedy\’s wife was oil heiress. His Father was one of the wealthiest men in America, and was the first chairman of the SEC. Almost all of JFK\’s income and property came from trust shared with other family members.
\"\" 36th Lyndon Baines Johnson (1963-1969) $98 Million Johnson\’s father lost all of the family\’s money when LBJ was a boy. Over time, he accumulated 1,500 acres in Blanco County, Texas, which included his home, called the \”Texas White House.\” He and his wife owned a radio and television station in Austin, TX, and had a variety of other moderate holdings, including livestock and private aircraft.
\"\" 37th Richard Milhous Nixon (1969-1974) $15 million Nixon was born without any inheritance, and was a public servant for most of his life including a term as a Senator from California. \”Tricky Dick\” made significant sums from series of interviews with David Frost and book advances. He sold his New York townhouse to the Syrian ambassador to the U.S. and purchased a large home in Saddle River, NJ. At various times, Nixon also owned real estate in California and Florida.
\"\" 38th Gerald Rudolph Ford Jr. (1974-1977) $7 million Ford had no inheritance, and he spent virtually his entire adult life in public service. Over the course of his lifetime, he owned properties in Michigan, Rancho Mirage, and Beaver Creek, Colorado. After he left the White House in 1976, he made nearly $1 million a year from book advances and from serving on the boards of several prominent American companies.
\"\" 39th James Earl Carter, 1977-1981 $7 million Carter was the son of a prominent Georgia businessman. He was a peanut farmer for almost two decades. Carter left office deeply in debt, but made substantial sums from writing 14 books. Part of a family partnership that owns 2,500 acres in Georgia.
\"\" 40th Ronald Wilson Reagan, 1981-89 (Republican) $13 million Reagan had no inheritance, but his first wife, an actress, had her own money. He was a movie and television actor for over two decades. \”The Gipper\” owned several pieces of real estate over his lifetime, including 688-acre property near Santa Barbara, California. Reagan was highly paid for his autobiography and as a GE spokesman.
\"\" 41st George Herbert Walker Bush (1989-1993) $23 million Bush was the son of Prescott Bush, a Connecticut Senator and successful businessman. Aided by his friends in the financial community, he made a number of successful investments. One of his major assets is his home and 100+ acre estate in Kennebunkport, Maine.
\"\" 42nd William Jefferson Clinton (1993- 2001) $38 million Clinton was born with no inheritance, and he made little significant money during 20 plus years of public service. After his time in White House, however, he made a substantial income as an author and public speaker. Clinton received large advance from autobiography. His wife, the secretary of state, has also made money as author.
\"\" 43rd George W. Bush (2001-2008) $20 million Bush was born into a wealthy family. Over ten years, he made substantial sums of money in the oil business. The largest contribution to his net worth was the profitable sale of the Texas Rangers.
\"\" 44th Barack Hussein Obama (2008-present) $5 million Obama is the grandson of a goat herder. He is a former constitutional law professor and civil rights attorney. Book royalties constitute most of Obama\’s net worth.

Baykal\’ın İstifası Anketleri Alt üst Etti!

\"\"Konsensus Araştırma ve Danışmanlık\’ın, HABERTÜRK Gazetesi için her ay düzenli olarak yaptığı, \”Türkiye Gündemi-Nisan 2010\’\’ anketi sonuçlandı. Ancak, CHP Lideri Deniz Baykal\’ın istifası anket sonuçlarını altüst etti. Konsensus \’İstifa öncesi\’ ve \’İstifa sonrası\’ olmak üzere iki ayrı anket yaptı. Sonuçlara göre Baykal\’ın istifasından sonra AKP\’nin oyları %38.7\’den %33.8\’e gerilerken; CHP tırmanışa geçti ve oy oranını %24.8\’den %27.2\’ye yükseltti.

TÜRK siyasetinde son yıllarda hiç olmadığı kadar hareketli günler yaşıyor. CHP Genel Başkanı Deniz Baykal\’a ait olduğu ileri sürülen seks kasetinin internette yayınlanmasından sonra, Deniz Baykal partililere \’Hakkınızı helal edin\’ dedi ve Genel Başkanlık\’tan istifa etti. Türkiye\’nin önce gelen kamuoyu araştırma şirketlerinden Konsensus Araştırma ve Danışmanlık Şirketi ise her ay düzenli olarak HABERTÜRK için hazırladığı \’Türkiye Gündemi Nisan-2010\’ başlıklı anket çalışmasını sonuçlandırdı.

Anket, Baykal\’ın istifasından önce 30 Nisan-9 Mayıs tarihleri arasında Türkiye genelinde 81 ilde, 17 yaş üstü 1563 kişiyle telefon anketi yöntemiyle gerçekleşti. Araştırmanın sonuçlarına göre kararsız oylar dağıtıldıktan sonra AKP %38.7 ile birinci parti olurken; CHP\’nin oy oranı %24.8\’di.


Kaset iddialarından sonra CHP Lideri Baykal 10 Mayıs\’ta istifa etti. Baykal\’ın istifası gündeme bomba gibi düşmüştü. Bu olağanüstü gelişme sonrası Konsensus, \’Deniz Baykal\’ın İstifası Sonrası Siyasi Analiz-Mayıs 2010\’\’ başlıklı yeni bir anket çalışması yaptı ve halkın nabzını tuttu. Türkiye gündemini sarsacak çok çarpıcı sonuçların ortaya çıktığı araştırma 12-13 Mayıs tarihleri arasında 81 ilde, 17 yaş üstü 268\’i erkek, 240\’ı kadın toplam 508 kişiyle \’telefon anketi yöntemiyle\’ gerçekleşti. Baykal\’ın istifası sonrası AKP\’nin oy oranı %4.9 düşerek %33.8\’e geriledi. Buna karşı CHP tırmanıştaydı. Oylarını %2.4 artıran CHP\’nin oy oranı %27.2\’ye çıktı.


EN kritik sorulardan biri: \”CHP\’nin genel başkanı olarak kimi görmek istersiniz?\’\’ Konsensus\’un halkın nabzını tuttuğu 12-13 Mayıs tarihlerinde Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu aldığı %72.4\’lük oyla listede açık ara önde. Onu %12.1 ile Murat Karayalçın izliyor.




Hain Toto

\"\"\”Velinimetim, canımdan aziz başbakanım… Bakanlık koltuğu altından alınan Kürşad Tüzmen\’in içimizdeki hain olduğunu üzülerek bildirmek zorundayım… Bir dost.\”

\”Yüce liderim, efsanevi başkanım… Köksal Toptan bizi sırtımızdan hançerledi, sekreterine böcek taktım, ses kayıtlarını feysbuk\’a koydum, Vahit Erdem ve Murat Başesgioğlu\’nun MHP\’lilerle yemek yediğini fotoğraflamış bulunmaktayım, takdirlerinize…\”

\”Gözümün nuru, gönlümün süruru efendim, Müjdat Kuşku\’dan kuşkuluyum… Bir kardeşiniz.\”

\”Sebebi saadetim, başbakanım… Reha Çamuroğlu oy vermedi, eğer beni bakan yaparsanız, öbür vermeyenleri de söylerim. Sünni\’yim ama, tensip buyurursanız, şıp diye Alevi de olurum… Bir uyanık.\”

\”Ahmet\’e sakın güvenmeyin.

\”Mehmet\’e sakın güvenmeyin.

Gammazlıyorlar birbirlerini…

Cadı avı başladı kulislerde…
Adı geçenler vebalı gibi oldu.
Yanlarına kimse oturmuyor.
İspiyon listeleri havada uçuşuyor.

Allah\’ın tokadı yok çünkü…

İsimsiz mektupları gösterdiler.
\”Aha işte kanıt\” dediler.
Ona \”Ergenekoncu…\”
Buna \”darbeci…\”
İtiraz edene \”kansız\” dediler.
Yandaş olmayana \”hain\” dediler.

Hadi bul bakayım şimdi haini!

Ulusal Egemenlik ve Çocuk

\"\"1\’inci hükümet…
İsmet İnönü kabinesindeki bakanların toplam 27 çocuğu vardı.

10\’uncu hükümet…
Celal Bayar kabinesinde 27 çocuk.

11\’inci hükümet…
Refik Saydam kabinesi 28.
14\’üncü hükümet…
Şükrü Saracoğlu kabinesi 29.
15\’inci hükümet…
Recep Peker kabinesi 32.
17\’nci hükümet…
Hasan Saka kabinesi 33.
19\’uncu hükümet…
Adnan Menderes kabinesi 37.
30\’uncu hükümet…
Süleyman Demirel kabinesi 45.
40\’ıncı hükümet…
Bülent Ecevit kabinesi 44.
44\’üncü hükümet…
Bülent Ulusu kabinesi 47.
45\’inci hükümet…
Turgut Özal kabinesi 50.
47\’nci hükümet…
Yıldırım Akbulut kabinesi 51.
50\’nci hükümet…
Tansu Çiller kabinesi 52.
53\’üncü hükümet…
Mesut Yılmaz kabinesi 52.
54\’üncü hükümet…
Necmettin Erbakan kabinesi 55.

58\’inci hükümet…
Abdullah Gül kabinesi 63.
60\’ıncı hükümet…
Tayyip Erdoğan kabinesi 69.

Dedemin babası 4.
Dedem 2.
Babam 2.
Ben 1.


The Don

\"\"Bizim enteller bağırıp çağırıyor: Vay efendim neymiş, \”donla denize girilir miymiş?\”
Kanadalı olsak, belki yadırgar, \”girilmez\” diyebilirdik.
Ama kendimizi bildik bileli biliyoruz ki, bizim millet denize donla girer.
Yazın donla yüzer, baharda çizgili pijamayla pikniğe gider, kışın limon kasasıyla kayar.
Yani, yeni değil, hep böyle.

Peki neden patladı bu tartışma? Çünkü İstanbul\’da kentin kalantor muhitlerine \”halk plajları\” açıldı.
Janjan, varoşla tanıştı… Deniz tatillerini hep Güney Fransa\’da ya da Puket\’te falan geçiren arkadaşlar, bu yaz evlerinin teraslarına kurulduklarında bir de gördüler ki, millet denize donla giriyor.
Tabii hemen, Gucci ayakkabıyla amele balgamına basmış gibi zıpladılar Amerikanvari aksanlarıyla:
\”Ay inanmıyorouum…\”

Kendi oturduğun lüks muhiti, memleketin tamamı zannedersen, inanamazsın tabii…

Sizi bilmem, ben milletin donla denize girmesini destekliyorum arkadaş.
\”Neden\” derseniz… Çünkü o donun kenarından görünen, kendini bu millete \”demokrat aydın\” diye kaktıranların ikiyüzlülüğüdür aslında…

\”Çoğunluk oy verdi\” diye, demokrasi ahkâmları kesip, \”haşema iktidarı\”na şirin görünmeyi biliyorsun.
Peki dona neden itiraz ediyorsun? Demokrasi çoğunluksa eğer, don \”ezici çoğunluk…\”
Çünkü haşema giymeyen var ama, don giymeyen yok.


\"\"Kimse kimseye vurmasın.
Kimsenin burnu kanamasın.

Afrika\’da açlık olmasın.
Yoksul insan kalmasın.
Nükleer silahlar çöpe atılsın.

Uzatabiliriz listeyi…
Söylemesi kolaydır çünkü.

Suya sabuna dokunmadan, \”sağduyu\” çağrısı yapabiliriz mesela… Nasıl olsa, bol keseden yapılan sağduyu çağrıları maaştan kesilmiyor. Veya, saldırgan kahveciymiş diye, ne şekerli ne sade bana müsaade deyip, bu mevzunun kenarından kenarından sıyrılabiliriz yılışıkça…
Ya da, entel dantel barlarında kafası karışmış kızlara şirin görünmek için
\”esefle kınıyorum\” da diyebiliriz.

Bu tür köfte lafların, kafası karışmış kızlar dahil, kimseye faydası olmaz.

Soralım dolayısıyla… Bu ülkenin çocuklarına ateş edip öldürmek \”demokratik hak\” kabul ediliyorsa, parti liderine girişmek niye \”ırkçılık\” oluyor?

Mayın demokrasiyse…
Yumruk niye faşizm?

Dün seyrediyorum televizyonu, papyonlu bir arkadaş, \”İzmir-Bursa hattında, Trabzon-Samsun hattında tehlikeli yapılanmalar var, oralara dikkat\” diyordu…
\”Hakkâri-Diyarbakır hattı\”nda olan ne peki? Oraya dikkat çekmeye gerek yok mu, Allah\’ın papyonu?

Bir tanesi de \”İlk kez bir parti liderine saldırılıyor\” diyordu…
Mesut Yılmaz\’ın burnunu kırmadılar mı?
Demirel\’e yumruk atılmadı mı?
Özal\’a ateş edilmedi mi?
Ecevit\’e İzmir\’de kurşun sıkılmadı mı?

Normaldir demiyorum…
Niye \”ilk\” deniyor?

Başbakan geçmiş olsun diye aramış Ahmet Türk\’ü, ki aramalı… Peki, Deniz Baykal\’a niye geçmiş olsun yok? Taş atmak, yumurta fırlatmak şiddete girmiyor mu? Light linç olur mu?

Samsun\’da polisler açığa alındı, ki derhal alınmalı… Van\’dakiler niye yerinde duruyor hâlâ? Kandil\’den gelenlerle otobüsün üstüne çıkıp şehir turu atmadığı için mi suçludur Baykal?

Bu kadar soru yeter…
Cevaba gelelim.

Açın gazetelerin internet sayfalarını, bu haberin altına yapılan yorumları okuyun…Yumruğunu \”adaletin tokmağı\” yerine koyup, Ahmet Türk\’ün burnuna inen kişi, bu ülkede pek çok kişinin duygularına tercüman oldu… Çünkü, teröristi meşru hale getiren \”açılım\” saçmalığı, sadece bir tarafta değil, öbür tarafta da \”eşkıyayı kahraman\” yapmaya başladı.

Hukuku guguk haline getirirsen…
\”Ona göre başka, buna göre başka\” işletirsen, olacağı budur.

Hukuku Niye Sevmiyorlar?

\"\"\”Mayınlı araziyi el âleme verelim\” yasası çıkardılar, Anayasa Mahkemesi iptal etti. \”YÖK kadrolarına kimi istersek, onu alırız\” yönetmeliği çıkardılar, Anayasa Mahkemesi iptal etti.

\”Maaşlı çalışanlar kümesteki yolunacak kazdır, bunların gelir vergisini artıralım\” dediler, Anayasa Mahkemesi iptal etti. \”Orman arazileri boş boş duruyor, oralara otel kurulsun\” kararı aldılar, Anayasa Mahkemesi iptal etti. \”Türkler kerizdir, tahvil gelirlerine yüzde 10 stopaj ödesin, yabancılar canımız ciğerimizdir, hiç ödemesin\” uygulaması başlattılar, Anayasa Mahkemesi iptal etti. \”Askeri yargıyı boşver, tanımayız\” düzenlemesi yaptılar, Anayasa Mahkemesi iptal etti. \”Memur ölene kadar çalışsın, çok istiyorsa, öldükten sonra emekli olsun\” yasası çıkardılar, Anayasa Mahkemesi iptal etti. \”Yabancı gelsin, canı ne kadar çekiyorsa o kadar toprak alsın\” yasası çıkardılar, Anayasa Mahkemesi iptal etti. \”Herkesin telefonu dinlensin, bu işin denetlemesini, Başbakan kimi görevlendirirse o yapsın\” hükmüne vardılar, Anayasa Mahkemesi iptal etti. \”Memur kessin sesini, topluca şikâyet başvurusu yapmaya kalkarlarsa maaşları kesilsin\” yasası çıkardılar, Anayasa Mahkemesi iptal etti. \”Milli park hikâyedir, çevre raporuna filan gerek yok, nerede altın varsa, orayı siyanürlesinler\” yasası çıkardılar, Anayasa Mahkemesi iptal etti. \”Çiftçilik belgesi olmuş olmamış hiç önemli değil, ben kafama göre, kime istiyorsam ona tarımsal destek vereyim\” dediler, Anayasa Mahkemesi iptal etti. \”Erkek yapıyorsa çapkınlıktır, kadın yapıyorsa
\” yasası çıkardılar, Anayasa Mahkemesi iptal etti.

\”Ahali uyanmadan GDO sokuşturalım\” yönetmeliği çıkardılar, Danıştay durdurdu. \”Kanun benim… İstediğim hâkimin, savcının telefonunu dinlerim\” yönetmeliği çıkardılar, Danıştay durdurdu. \”Devlete ait arazileri canım kime istiyorsa ona tahsis ederim\” dediler, Danıştay durdurdu. \”Enflasyon oranı filan beni ırgalamaz, belediye otobüsüne yüzde 30, yüzde 50, istediğim kadar zam yaparım\” kararı aldılar, Danıştay durdurdu. \”Sınava gerek yoktur, liyakate ben karar veririm, kimi istiyorsam onu milli eğitim müdürü yaparım\” dediler, Danıştay durdurdu. \”İşime gelmeyen, biat etmeyen eczacının sözleşmesini feshederim\” hükmüne vardılar, Danıştay durdurdu. \”Elde avuçta ne varsa sattık zaten, Seydişehir Alüminyum\’u da satalım\” kararı aldılar, Danıştay durdurdu. \”Doktorlar ukalalık yapmasın, alayını taşeron yapalım, mal gibi kiralayalım\” dediler, Danıştay durdurdu. \”Maç başladıktan sonra kuralı değiştirelim, imam hatipler bu seneki sınava farklı katsayıyla girsin\” kararı aldılar, Danıştay durdurdu. \”Tekel\’i şakır şakır yabancıya sattık, bu işçileri ya kapının önüne koyalım ya da köle gibi çalışsınlar\” hükmüne vardılar, Danıştay durdurdu. \”Şeker fabrikalarını da Tekel gibi yabancıya satalım, nasıl olsa işçilerini 4C yaparız\” dediler, Danıştay durdurdu. \”Öyle her yerde içki içilmesin, sarhoş bunlar, karantina bölgeleri yapalım, vebalı gibi orada içsinler\” kararı aldılar, Danıştay durdurdu. \”Özürlülerin ne kadar özürlü olduklarını nüfus cüzdanlarına yazalım, kimliğini gösterdiğinde bilelim ne kadar özürlü olduğunu\” yönetmeliği çıkardılar, Danıştay durdurdu. \”İlköğretim çocuklarına okutmak için, içinde Atatürk\’ün olmadığı Türkçe kitabı\” yaptılar, Danıştay durdurdu.

Örnek çok.

E niye sevsinler ki hukuku?

Kitap Telefon Etti

Adam çok roman okurdu. Karısı bir gece kocasının \”Selin\” diyerek sayıkladığını duydu. Oysa kendi adı \”Leyla\” idi. Dayanamadı kocasını uyandırıp sordu:

  • Söyle bakalım, rüyada gördüğün o Selin kimdi?
  • Kitap karıcığım, kitap. Dün okuduğum kitap…

Ertesi akşam adam eve döndüğünde karısına her zamanki gibi sordu:

  • Ne var ne yok karıcığım?

Kadın öfkeyle karşılık verdi:

  • Ne olacak, senin kitap telefon etti!